Lineup & Schedule
RustFest Global 2021 — Rust In Arts Edition
Rust In Arts first block

Rust In Arts opening
Welcome to Rust in Arts! Lisa & Pilar will accompany you today throughout a whole day of rusty-artsy goodness. So put your googles on, strap in, and heree we gooo! 🦀

What is this thing called Generative Art?
Are you telling me I can make art through algorithms? Can I start from simple primitives and create masterpieces? Well, I surely must have art background to... WHAT? Are you SERIOUSLY telling me I just need Rust and a bit of imagination?

Director's Commentary: PaddlePunks
Interactive live stream chat with the creators of PaddlePunks, the "underground fighting tennis" game written in Rust. Learn more about how the sausage is made, and ask your questions live!

Art performance: the_emergent / Music for computer & voice
An exploration of field recordings, homemade samples, processed voice and electronic sounds, inspired by Industrial music, EBM and Ambient.

Nightgraph: Putting Code to Paper with Rust
An exploration of the techniques, tools, and designs I used to build nightgraph
, a creative coding environment written in Rust, with an emphasis on interactivity and low-friction, minimal boilerplate, sketch creation.
Rust In Arts second block

Rust In Arts returns
Welcome back after a short break! Hope you are feeling refreshed because we have a lot more in store for y'all!

Creating interactive digital art with ossia score and libossia
Learn how to create audio-visual art installations and interactive performances, live-code and live-patch in this talk focused on's free and open-source digital art workstation, ossia score and its companion library libossia.

Art performance: Into Disintegration
A journey through pixel space and time with live code visualist Sarah GHP.

Director's Commentary: Veloren
Interactive live stream chat with the creators of Veloren, a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust. Watch as the creators explain the intricate inner workings of the game as they play, and ask your questions live!

MindBuffer + Nannou
The story behind the creation of nannou and how MindBuffer utilises it to create large-scale art installations.
RustFest Global 2021 — LATAM Edition
RustFest LATAM - primera sección (first block)

Comienza RustFest LATAM Edition (conference start)
La traducción bidireccional en directo para Inglés y Español fue proporcionada por Grace Sutachan (@GraceSutachan) e Nora Díaz (@NoraDiazB)
The live two-way translation in English and Spanish was provided by Grace Sutachan (@GraceSutachan) & Nora Díaz (@NoraDiazB)
Podemos tener cosas bonitas
En el sótano de nuestras compus vive mucho software que se escribió en los 1980s y 90s, con prácticas de ese entonces. Pero la cosa ya cambió. ¿Cómo podemos arreglarlo con Rust?
At the heart of modern computing belies a large swath of software written in the 80s and 90s, with the respective practices of those days. But the times have changed since. How can we fix these up, with Rust?

Una serie de relatos de mentoría
Ser mentor es una gran responsabilidad pero aporta el bienestar de una comunidad tech. En mi charla compartiré como mis experiencias se han convertido en una serie de consejos para ser un gran mentor.
Mentorship in tech carries a lot of responsibility, but plays an integral part in making tech communities as well as individuals thrive. In this talk, we'll go over some of my mentorship experiences. Anyone can be a great mentor!

FORMS - Performance Audiovisual
FORMS es una jukebox de música visual generativa. Comandada por el azar y la probabilidad, este autómata crea un sinfín de partituras gráficas irrepetibles que se transforman inmediatamente en sonido mediante algoritmos de sonificación de la imagen.
FORMS is a generative visual music jukebox. Driven by chance and probability, this automata creates endless, unrepeatable graphic scores that are immediately transformed into sound by means of sonification algorithms.
RustFest LATAM - segunda sección (second block)

RustFest LATAM Edition continúa (conference resumes)
La traducción bidireccional en directo para Inglés y Español fue proporcionada por Grace Sutachan (@GraceSutachan) e Nora Díaz (@NoraDiazB)
The live two-way translation in English and Spanish was provided by Grace Sutachan (@GraceSutachan) & Nora Díaz (@NoraDiazB)

El lenguaje que no es
Rust es un lenguaje que tiene fama de ser difícil de usar. ¿Cómo podría ser si pudiera ignorar sus restricciones de diseño? En esta charla exploraremos código que no compila en Rust, veremos las razones por la cual no es aceptado, que se puede hacer en cambio y cuánto puede cambiarse el lenguaje para permitirlo.
The language that isn't: what Rust could be today, if it decided to reject its current constraints.
Making Rust more Accessible through Game Development
Video games inspire many young minds to learn about programming. My presentation will go over how we can work to lower barriers to game development and more effectively bring people into the Rust community.
Los videojuegos inspiran a mucha mentes jovenes a aprender programación. Mi presentación tratará cómo podemos reducir la barrera del desarrollo de los videojuegos y acercar a la gente a la comunidad Rust más efectivamente
Aprender Rust por accidente
Descubre cómo puedes adentrarte a Rust haciendo qué te causen curiosidad o te parezcan divertidas como crear un Sudoku con GTK o jugar con código creativo sin sufrir (tanto) en el camino
Discover how you can delve into Rust by sparkling your curiosity or through fun ideas like creating a Sudoku with GTK, or playing around with creative code without (as much) pain in the process